Dare To Challenge Me?
Beat me and I'll Give You $100 Cold-Hard Cash
Sign Up Now
Join the List Below And You Could Win $100 and be featured in an upcoming Epiosde!
* we respect your privacy - will not be sold, rent, or leased *
To prove You Can Make A Living Online
 (In Just 7 Days) I will...
Risk My Own Money 
Every Tuesday Watch Me GENERATE Cash With a New Funnel, In A New Market, ... Faster Than It Takes A Bank To Complete A Money Transfer 
Will Powell here!

Do you think it's possible for someone to build a funnel, craft a campaign,  and generate cold hard cash… in just 7 days?

... All from scratch
In a completely new market
And WITHOUT a product?

If you had asked me a few months ago, I would have said HELL NO!

In fact, the way I figured this out was completely by accident. 

I was working on a campaign for a horrible demon client.

I just wanted her to get results, be happy, and LEAVE ME ALONE

So, I took all the best elements of a 30 day campaign and jammed them into just 7 days.

To be completely honest, I never did this before and had no idea how it would pan out.

And on May 1st, we tested it out and it WORKED BETTER THAN WE EXPECTED

As of today, I have no idea how it will do in other markets and that's why 

You can just flat out have it for free, right now.

Every Tuesday, I will risk my OWN MONEY!

And test my system against your challenge.

If I lose I will pay you $100 of cold hard cash sent directly to your from either paypal or venmo.

plus you’ll get…

The funnels I build every week - for FREE.
The Deets!
Give me a challenge. The challenge could be anything.

* marketing an ebook for X amount
* Building a facebook group from scratch
* Generating Leads 
* Etc

And I will set out to complete the challenge. 

If I lose, I will give you $100 dollars

But, If I win... 
I demand a video of you groveling at my feet. (just kidding, kinda) 

So, if you’re frustrated with spinning your wheels in marketing, not satisfied with the funnels you’re currently making, then tune into to Funnel Slam every Tuesday.

And discover...

* How to ETHICALLY get inside the minds of your prospects and guide their buying decisions.
* How to build campaigns that sell
* And what exactly to say in your next campaign. 

And if your challenge (somehow) beats my system get $100 dollars to spend on what every you may choose. 

It's that easy. 

Sign up below by clicking on the Orange Funnel Slam button below. And get Immediately access to all past and present episodes. 
 Watch Previous Episodes 
Funnel Slam Exclusive: Will Powell Takes On Challengers 
Episode 1: Coming Soon
Episode 2: Coming Soon
Episode 3: Coming Soon
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